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產品簡介:YVFE4系列高效變頻調速三相異步電動機與變頻裝置構成的調速系統,與其他調速方式相比:節能效果 顯著,調速性能好,調速范圍廣,具有噪聲低、振動小、可與國內外各種變頻器配套的特點。常用于風機 類、泵……
- 產品說明
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- 常見問題
YVFE4 Series High-efficiency Variable-frequency Speed-regulating Three-phase Asynchronous Motor
YVFE4系列高效率變頻調速三相異步電動機是在YE4系列電機基礎上派生的變頻調速三相異步電動機符合GB/T 755《旋轉電動機定額和性能》。冷卻方式為:9416,其效率值符合63/7 32891.2-2019《旋轉 電機效率分級(IE代碼)第2部分:變速交流電動機》中的IE4一致。本系列產品能夠完全取代YJTG、YVF2, YVFE2、YVFE3系列低壓變頻調速三相異步電動機。
YVFE4系列高效變頻調速三相異步電動機與變頻裝置構成的調速系統,與其他調速方式相比:節能效果 顯著,調速性能好,調速范圍廣,具有噪聲低、振動小、可與國內外各種變頻器配套的特點。常用于風機 類、泵類、壓縮機類及供暖設備等負載。
YVFE4 series motor is a variable-frequency and speed-regulating three-phase asynchronous motor derived from YE4 series motor, which meets GB/T 755 "Rotating Electrical Machines- Ratings and Performance". The cooling method is Ic416, and the efficiency meets with IE4 in GB/T 32891.2-2019 "Rotary Motor Efficiency Classification (IE Code) Part 2:Variable Speed AC Motor. This series of motors can completely replace YJTG, YVF2, YVFE2, YVFE3 series low-voltage variable frequency speed-regulating three-phase asynchronous motors.
The speed regulating systems connected frequency converter and YVFE3 series high-efficiency variable frequency speed-regulating three-phase asynchronous motor, compared with other speed regulating systems, have the advantages of significant energy saving effect, good speed regulating performance, wide speed range, low noise, low vibration, easily supperted with various inverters at home and abroad, which are commonly used in fans, pumps, compressors and heating equipments.
YVFE4 Series High-efficiency Variable-frequency Speed-regulating Three-phase Asynchronous Motor
YVFE4系列高效率變頻調速三相異步電動機是在YE4系列電機基礎上派生的變頻調速三相異步電動機符合GB/T 755《旋轉電動機定額和性能》。冷卻方式為:9416,其效率值符合63/7 32891.2-2019《旋轉 電機效率分級(IE代碼)第2部分:變速交流電動機》中的IE4一致。本系列產品能夠完全取代YJTG、YVF2, YVFE2、YVFE3系列低壓變頻調速三相異步電動機。
YVFE4系列高效變頻調速三相異步電動機與變頻裝置構成的調速系統,與其他調速方式相比:節能效果 顯著,調速性能好,調速范圍廣,具有噪聲低、振動小、可與國內外各種變頻器配套的特點。常用于風機 類、泵類、壓縮機類及供暖設備等負載。
YVFE4 series motor is a variable-frequency and speed-regulating three-phase asynchronous motor derived from YE4 series motor, which meets GB/T 755 "Rotating Electrical Machines- Ratings and Performance". The cooling method is Ic416, and the efficiency meets with IE4 in GB/T 32891.2-2019 "Rotary Motor Efficiency Classification (IE Code) Part 2:Variable Speed AC Motor. This series of motors can completely replace YJTG, YVF2, YVFE2, YVFE3 series low-voltage variable frequency speed-regulating three-phase asynchronous motors.
The speed regulating systems connected frequency converter and YVFE3 series high-efficiency variable frequency speed-regulating three-phase asynchronous motor, compared with other speed regulating systems, have the advantages of significant energy saving effect, good speed regulating performance, wide speed range, low noise, low vibration, easily supperted with various inverters at home and abroad, which are commonly used in fans, pumps, compressors and heating equipments.